Annex to the license for the implementation of private security activities 805.1 Кб
Certificate in Protection Security Igor Morgunov 16/07/2009 301.7 Кб
Buchinghamshire New University
Certificate of Achievement Igor Morgunov 5 - 8 July 2009 887.7 Кб
On Successful completion of the First Aid At Work Course Held in Novi - Sad on the 5 - 8 July 2009
Certificate of professional qualification Mr. Nikolay Poryadin 02 - 23.05.08 699 Кб
VIP Protection - Basic and accomplished all requirements for graduation
Certificate of Achievement Evgeniy Kurganskiy 30 June 2009 782.5 Кб
On Successful completion of the Automated External Defibrillation
Held in Novi - Sad on the 30 June 2009
Certificate of Participation Mr. Mikhail Gamburg 28 November - 2 December 2008 665.8 Кб
Has attended Protecrion Specialist's Summit
Certificate of Achievement Igor Morgunov 4 - 13 April 2010 1.1 Мб
On Successfully Completing The 10 Day Close Protection Course Held in Voronezh, Russia
Certificate European Security Academy Andrey Arefyev 23 May - 5 June 2016 191.4 Кб
Certificate Security Academy Andrey Arefyev
Close protection operative training course
Certificate Security Industry Andrey Arefyev 06 June 2016 327.5 Кб
Certificate Security Industry Andrey Arefyev
Level 3 certificate for Working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private
Certificate Security Industry Andrey Arefyev 28-Nov-2015 293.7 Кб
Certificate Security Industry Andrey Arefyev
Level 3 certificate for Wirking as a Close Operative within the Private
Certificate European Security Academy Mikhail Gamburg 28-Nov-2015 325 Кб
Certificate European Security Academy Mikhail Gamburg
Personal BTEC Level 2 in Firtst Personal on scene (INTERMEDIAT)
Certificate Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Mikhail Gumburg 05 March 2016 - 15 March 2016 100.5 Кб
Certificate Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Mikhail Gumburg
Level 3 Award in Firearms Training (7.62/5.56 mm) for Hostile Environment Close Protection Officers
Certificate Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Mikhail Gumburg 08 March 2016 - 15 March 2016 102.1 Кб
Certificate Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Mikhail Gumburg
Level 3 Award in Firearms Training (9 mm) for Hostile Environment Close Protection Officers
Certificate Certificate of unit credit towards Mikhail Gamburg 14 November 2015 78.1 Кб
Certificate Certificate of unit credit towards Mikhail Gamburg
Level 3 Certificate for Working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry